Users can access the suite from the keyboard and screen readers as described below.

To access the Main Menu if you are using an NVDA screen reader:
- Locate the Main Menu button on the top left of the homepage.
- Press space to expand the menu.
- Press Insert and space to switch to focus mode.
- Press Tab 4 times to get to the first option in the options list.
- Press up and down arrows to select an option.
- Press space to expand or collapse the submenu associated with the selected option.
- Press Tab to access the options submenu and use arrows to select.
- Press Enter to activate selected option.
- Press Escape to exit the Main Menu.

To access Control Center if you are using an NVDA screen reader:
- Press space or Enter to activate the Control Centre notifications icon. The icon expands, containing a list of notifications that can be marked as read, deleted, or accessed.
- Tab through the list and select the applicable buttons.
- Press Escape to close

The Edit Profile and Leave Case Editor landing pages contain tab lists. To use tab lists from the keyboard:
- Tab to the first tab in the list.
- Use the left and right arrows to navigate through each tab.
- Press space to expand and collapse.
- After expanding a tab, press Tab to enter into the corresponding contents.
- Press Tab to navigate through any actions, and use the arrow keys to read through static text content if you are using a screen reader.

To access the tiles A container that provides navigation or action from its summary view. if you are using an NVDA screen reader:
- Press Tab to access the tiles list on the Home landing page.
- Press space to expand the tile.
- Press Tab to navigate within the tile.
- Press arrows to activate check boxes and space to activate buttons.
- Press Escape to collapse a tile.
- Press Enter to activate the Tile Library button to open a panel that you can use to personalise the tiles shown on the Home page The page that is presented to the user upon login, which contains the tiles that let the user access or navigate to common tasks..
- Press Enter to activate the Restore Home Page button to show the default view.

A drop-down box appears on landing pages to select employees.
- Press Tab to access the combo box and press space to expand it.
- Use the arrow keys to progress through the list of employees and press Enter to select.

To access the Timeframe selector if you are using an NVDA screen reader:
- Press Tab to access to the Time frame Selector menu.
- Press space to expand the drop-down.
- Use the arrow keys to select a timeframe.
- Press space or Enter to select.
- While in the selections list, press Tab to access the date range button.
- Press Enter to activate.
- Use the arrow keys to change the dates in the Start and End Date edit fields.
- Press Tab to access the Cancel and Apply buttons and press Enter to activate. After you press Tab, you can access the Previous and Next Period buttons to progress through pay periods without needing to select from the Time frame Selector menu.

To access the Hyperfind A search engine that filters and selects groups of employees through queries that specify conditions or locations (criteria). selector if you are using an NVDA screen reader:
- Press Tab to get to the Hyperfind selector link.
- Press space to activate the link to launch a searchable edit field.
- Press Tab to get to the options list.
- Use the arrow keys to select and press Enter.
- Press Tab to access a find-by-location link.
- Press Enter to activate.
- A dialogue box opens that contains a search field, additional fields containing dates that can be changed, and a business structure selector.
- Press Tab to get to the Cancel button to exit this dialogue box.

To access the action bar if you are using an NVDA screen reader:
- Press Tab to open the action bar. The action bar contains a row of buttons.
- Press space to activate the available buttons. This activates a dialogue box or presents a list of options that you can navigate using the arrow keys and pressing Enter to select.
- To make all action bar buttons available, you must select a row or rows of data from the table.
When buttons are disabled, they are skipped when using the keyboard and not announced when using NVDA.

To access the slide-out panels if you are using an NVDA screen reader:
- If you are using NVDA in focus mode, press Tab to progress through the edit fields, combo boxes, and buttons within the panel.
- Interacting with content in browse mode using NVDA will read additional read-only content within slide-out panels.
- Press space to activate buttons, use arrows to select radio buttons or check boxes, and press space to expand combo boxes .
- If space does not open a combo box, press Enter to expand the drop down.
- Press Tab to access the options list within the combo box and press Enter to select and collapse.
- Press the Apply button to confirm selections that may open additional slide-out panels .
- Press Cancel, Close, or Escape to exit slide-out panels.
- Note: Interacting with content in browse mode using NVDA will read additional read-only content within slide-out panels.
- If space does not open a combo box, press Enter to expand the drop down.

To use the Employee Summary and Dataviews A configurable tool for analysing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organisation. Grid from the keyboard:
- Press Tab to place focus on the Select All tick box. You select this tick box to select rows or deselect all rows. If all rows have been selected, a dialogue is displayed that contains information about how many employees have been selected. You can use the Escape or Close button to exit this dialogue. Scrolling down the table using arrow keys automatically selects additional employees. After ticking this box, focus jumps to the Select All button on the action bar. To get back into the grid, you must use the Tab key.
- Press Tab again to navigate to the column headers. These column headers contain sorting options that can be activated by pressing space when focus is placed on the header name. Each column header contains a separate actions menu that contains additional actions. You can activate this menu using Enter, and then using the arrow keys and space to select.
- Press Tabfrom the column header menus to get to the first column of tick boxes to select individual rows, then press space to select and deselect. Alternatively, you can press the down arrow key when focused on the Select All tick box to go directly to the table rows.
- Use the arrow keys to navigate within the table cells.
- Press space on a cell to activate a glance (also known as a contextual call-out) Provides information and actions in a dialogue box for an item on the screen when the user right-clicks or taps the item. view menu that contains additional options that can also be located on the action bar.
- Press Tab to get to and progress through the options list on the glance menu.
- Press space/Enter to select a button that activates a slide-out panel that appears from the right-hand side of the screen.
- Press Escape to exit the slide-out panel or exit the glance menu.
Note: There is also a separate funnel menu located to the right of the grid column headers that you can use to sort and filter selections. Press Tab to access this menu from the action bar, and press Enter to view the menu options. Press Tab to navigate through the options, and press space to select an option.

The Attendance and Leave grids have rows that are collapsed and can be expanded using the space key and collapsed again using the space key.
After these rows have been expanded, use the arrow keys and space to activate a glance menu. These grids contain the same navigation and actions as the Employee Summary and Dataview grids.

To access the schedule grid f you are using an NVDA screen reader:
- Press the T key if you are using the keyboard and, while in browse mode using NVDA, cycle through the action bar, grid, and add-on areas.
- Select an action from the quick actions A tool that allows simple schedule edits to be made more easily, particularly when the same action must be taken on several items menu, then navigate to the table using either Tab or the T key and use the arrow keys and space to apply an action to a scheduled shift.
- You can activate glance menus that contain different options depending on where in the grid they are activated.
- When you are on the employee column, press space to activate a glance that contains options specific to employees.
- When you are on an empty or shift cell, press space to activate a glance that contains options specific to shifts.

After selecting an action from the action bar or from a glance when navigating through grids, a panel is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen. These panels contain forms and actions that you use to update or modify employee data.
Note: Some actions open a dialogue box in the centre of the screen instead of a panel.
When using the keyboard to navigate these panels and dialogues, you can:
- Press Tab to place focus on all panel or dialogue elements.
- Select Close or Cancel, or press Escape to exit a panel or dialogue.
- Select Apply, Submit or Save to apply changes or update employee data after completing any required fields and optional fields if desired.
- Activate any drop-down lists by using space and the arrow keys to navigate through the options, and press Enter to select. You can select the first letter for any option to quickly navigate as well.
There are also drop-downs lists that contain a Search field when activated to limit the number of options in the list. Tab from the Search field to the options list, and use the arrows keys to navigate through and press Enter to select.
If invalid or missing data is entered or found, errors are displayed under the corresponding element.
There are also alert and warning messages that can be displayed within panels and can be closed by using the close button
- After applying specific changes to data, there may be a confirmation message or a warning message that is displayed when the panel is closed.
- Completing specific fields may result in additional fields being displayed within a panel or dialogue.

When you are tabbing through slideout panels and other dialogs with an NVDA screen reader, date input fields contain the current date. By default, the date is in mm/dd/yyyy format.
- Press Tab within the edit date fields to progress through the month, day, and year.
- Use the up and down arrow keys to change the month, day, and year.

There are multi-selector drop-down lists in Employee Request panels to refine employees, jobs and locations, load schedule groups Assembles employees who share schedules or any other work characteristics. and employment terms Legal contracts between employer and employee. When scheduled to work hours differ from the hours in their contract, the pay rules of the employees determine the impact on pay. panels in Scheduling, and the Volume Driver selector in Forecasting.
- Tab to these drop-downs and press space or Enter to expand.
- Use the arrow keys to navigate through the options.
- Press space to select one or more options.
- Press Escape to confirm your selections.

To access items on the timecard if you are using an NVDA screen reader:
- Press the List View button to change the format layout of the timecard data.
- The data switches from a table to a list of items that are presented from left to right, top to bottom.
- Press Tab to get to the items list.
- Press Tab to progress through the items list and associated details.
- Pressing space on the date or punch The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer. pairs buttons activates the same slideout panel.

To use the Dataview Library if you are using an NVDA screen reader:
- Press Tab to get to the Dataview items list.
- Press Tab to progress through the list options, including employee and details buttons.
- Press space or Enter on the employee button to go directly to the Dataview landing page.
- Press space or Enter on the details button to open a slideout panel.
- Press Tab to hear the information within the slideout panel and press Tab to get to the open dataview link. Press space or Enter to activate.

The Employee Visibility Periods Defines both the period when employees can submit requests (submission period) and the period when those request can be applied (request period). grid contains a list of employee scheduling requests that can be edited or deleted from the keyboard. Requests can be added as well.
- Tab into this table with focus landing on the Filter menu.
- Press space to expand the filter menu, and use the arrow keys and space to toggle filter options.
- Press Escape to close out of this menu.
- Tab into the table to read the column header rows from left to right with associated column header submenus that contain sort and filtering options.
- Use the arrow keys to navigate through the request rows.
- Note: The first row is selected by default.
- Navigate to other rows and press space to select or deselect.
- Note: You can only select one row at a time
- After selecting a row, shift+Tab back to the action bar to edit or delete the selected request.
- If you are deleting a request, a dialogue is displayed, confirming the removal of the request. If you click Yes, the request is removed and the grid is updated accordingly.
- Select the Add button on the action bar to add a request to the grid rows.

To use the Staffing grid from the keyboard:
- Tab into the grid to place focus on staffing work type categories.
- Use the arrow keys to navigate through the grid.
- Press space on a tick box to select a work type category.

Note: If you are using a screen reader, you should use browse mode to read through the attendance details pages.
- Press the H key to navigate by heading.
- If you are using a screen reader, arrow down into each of the tables and use Control+Alt+arrow keys to read through table information.
- If you need to edit an event or manual adjustment, tab to the menu located in the third column.
- Press space to expand and use arrows to navigate through options, and press Enter to select.
- If you are deleting an option, a confirmation message appears. Select Yes to remove the event or manual adjustment from the tables.
- If you are editing an event or manual adjustment, a panel is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen to edit the event or manual adjustment.
- After adding an event or manual adjustment, additional headings and tables are displayed.

When selecting My Information, My Calendar or Calendar View in Attendance or Leave, the page contains two views:
- Grid view
- Side list on the right-hand side of the screen that is optimised for screen reader users. If you are using a screen reader, tab to this list and use browse mode to read through event and request information if using a screen reader. There is also a landmark to quickly navigate to this list.
There is an Events link and a Requests link that you can select to display events or requests
Note: Leave and Attendance calendars can only display an Events or a Requests link, but not both.
If an action menu exists to the right of the events, tab to the button, press space to expand, and use arrows and press Enter to select an option.
There are also action buttons to the right associated with requests that activate another panel that do not contain a drop-down menu
Note: If you update Calendar views to show day, week, month and year, the side list updates accordingly and contains the same content found in the grid.

You can run or schedule reports from the Report Library landing page.
- To run a report, select the Run Report button on the action bar.
- To schedule a report, select the Schedule Jobs button on the action bar and then schedule the report.
When running or scheduling a report from the keyboard, do the following:
- Press Tab to navigate to, and press space to select and expand a report type.
- Press Tab and use the arrow keys to navigate through the report options associated with the report type, and press space or Enter to select and collapse the report type menu.
- Press Tab to locate a description of the selected report.
- Press Tab to the Select button to activate the run report or schedule report panels.
- Report panels may contain input fields with an associated parameters button announced as a text frame button. Press space to activate and select from the tick boxes, and tab to apply.
- To remove selections, press Shift+Tab to each option and select delete.
- When scheduling a recurring report, an additional parameters button is displayed. This button activates another panel to complete additional options.
- Only PDF, CSV and Excel reports are accessible using the keyboard and screen reader. Interactive reports are not recommended for use with a keyboard and screen reader at this time.